New paypal Scampage 2018


✨ Cvv Seller ✨
Verified Vendor
Some Features Of This All New SCAMPAGE 2017 - 2018 :

- New 2017 theme and new look .

- Added some javascript animation .

- Very smart scampage and hard to mislead it .

- Auto Card Type detection .

- Auto country detection + Language changement .

- Adding some extra informations fields for some countries if it needed .

- No errors , work with all kind of servers .

- Full info , Full CVV/VBV and 3D code .

- Asking for Bank account informations .

- Asking for ID CARD picture and for Credit Card too .

- Auto Redirect to the officiel paypal website .
- Very Cool and nice HTML Rzult in server and on the email .
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How To use ?
: go to "Info/email/config.php" and put your email there .
I spended too much time coding this scampage , and i can proudly say that it maybe the best free scampage in the internet untill now .
Enjoy it , and discover the other features by yourself . I hope you like it.