How to Encode Track info to Plastic [Tutorial]


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  1. Download The Jerm software
  2. Load up The Jerm in Windows XP or Windows XP Compatibility Mode.
  3. Hit settings tab
  4. Hit "Defaults" in Leading Zeros box
  5. Hit "75 bpi" in Set Track 2 density box
  6. Go back to "Actions"
  7. Hit LoCo or HiCo in Coercivity box, depending on which you want to do
  8. Input your tracks 1 & 2 (without the*%*; or*? symbols because the program already does it for you)
  9. Hit "Write Card" and swipe your card. (i usually do a read card afterwards to make sure everything went ok)
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wich is the difference between the jerm and the MSRX software that comes with the encoder?