Zombie Bot V13 Auto Upload Shell


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May 27, 2016
Use a vm or sandbox for ur safty
Download link : https://mega.nz/file/aZdGkJJa#qqFBkkMOZ-WPvm_eIv4K7OeMRXJhpZIlDIszFU5v28w

Zombie Bot v13 Features :
  1. Automatic mass Shell uploader wordpress,drupal,joomla,cms.
  2. Auto Exploiter and Auto Shell Upload Mass.
  3. Shell Checker live or dead.
  4. Scanner and Exploiter Wordpress,joomla,magneto,drupal.
  5. Brute force Opencart and Auto upload shell.
  6. Apple and Amazon Valid Checker.
  7. Auto exploit Magento.
  8. CMS Filter.
  9. Bruteforce on Wordpress, joomla, Opencart, drupal.
  10. Mass domain to ip.
  11. Smtp Cracker.
  12. Zone-h Grabber.
  13. Reverse up Priv8 Method.
  14. Mass mail list Grab from config.
  15. Cpanel Cracker.
  16. Prestashop Mass shell upload.
  17. Webshell Mass Checker
  18. Here we go again!
  19. Happy Hacking <//>

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