zAnti [Android]

✨ DeeZNuTz

✨ Master ✨
Staff member
Mobile application for pentest from Zimperium. More modern, stable and visual analogue of dSploit.

The zAnti interface is divided into two parts: scanning and MITM. In the first section, he, like dSploit and the original cSploit, maps the network, identifies all hosts, their parameters and vulnerabilities.


A separate function - the definition of vulnerabilities on the smartphone itself. According to the program report, our test Nexus 5 contains 263 holes, which will not be closed anymore, since the device’s lifetime has expired.


zAnti helps to hack routers and get full access to them (with the ability to change the admin password, set another SSID, PSK, and so on). Using MITM attacks, zAnti detects unsafe elements at three levels: in the OS, applications, and device settings.

The key feature is the formation of a detailed report on all scanned items. The report contains explanations and tips to eliminate the found flaws.


  • Site
  • Size: 24 MB
  • Android version: 2.3 and higher
  • Root required: Yes
  • Notes: zAnti does not work on devices with x86 and x86_64 processors