Working - 29.04.2018 - Amazon Gift Card Method


✨ E-Gift Seller ✨
Verified Vendor
  • 1)get old amazon account or spammed account
  • 2)get any non vbv cc
  • 3)open the account on the same ip i.e
  • 4)Use socks for better result else rdp and if you don't have both then switch for vpn
  • 5)bins preferred 517805 n 414720
  • 6)Link the cc to the old account and wait two hours
  • 7)Then purchase giftcard on amazon only
  • 8)put your email address for delivery
  • 9)You are done. just type unique message
  • Dont put message in giftcard like . this is birthday gift etc.
  • Write something unique
  • 10)Send the giftcard minimum amount 150$ or less
Hi, I am new here and I would really want to learn more about carding. Can you pls teach me what I need before start carding.