Wesng - Windows Exploit Suggester

✨ DeeZNuTz

✨ Master ✨
Staff member

WES-NG is a tool based on the output of Windows' systeminfo utility which provides the list of vulnerabilities the OS is vulnerableto, including any exploits for these vulnerabilities. Every Windows OS between Windows XP and Windows 10, including their Windows Server counterparts, is supported.

  1. Obtain the latest database of vulnerabilities by executing the command wes.py --update.
  2. Use Windows' built-in systeminfo.exe tool to obtain the system information of the local system, or from a remote system using systeminfo.exe /S MyRemoteHost, and redirect this to a file: systeminfo > systeminfo.txt
  3. Execute WES-NG with the systeminfo.txt output file as the parameter: wes.py systeminfo.txt. WES-NG then uses the database to determine which patches are applicable to the system and to which vulnerabilities are currently exposed, including exploits if available.
  4. As the data provided by Microsoft is frequently incomplete and false positives are reported by wes.py, make sure to check the Eliminating false positives page at the Wiki on how to deal with this. For an overview of all available parameters, check CMDLINE.md.
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