Walmart carding tutorial 2018


✨ Cvv Seller ✨
Verified Vendor

1-Billing Info Mismatch ex Wrong Street Number/Zip Code/Billing Phone #
2-IP Does Not Match Credit Card Billing State, Or Socks5/Proxy/VPN Has Been DDcarder
3-Shipping Address Is Different From Billing Address
[No Way To Avoid This As Long As You Don't Have step 1 OR step 2 Your Order Will Ship]

you need a good cc high validity rate and fresh , For Walmart To 100% Ship To Your Drop The Credit Card Billing Address Must Match 100% And So Must The Billing Phone Number. that way u will not cause any Alerts or suspection like case 1 wrote above. selecting the right cc is important step do not miss. Cross Out Visa Because Walmart Has Verified By Visa Systems. Amex Sometimes Work But It's 50%. i recommend using master card Gold/Plat/Biz/Corp Cards.

You need RDP wish socks5 some people succeeded as they said but to insure 100% successful order You Must get rdp matching cc billing state.

Walmart account and email ,(Yahoo/Hotmail/gmail ) Make Email Contain cc Holder Name (E.g ""). next go to walmart and make account ,once you have an account click on my account option and then click payment option and click select a new card. (Add The CVV You Are Going To Use) then sign out, clear the cookies.
once done go to walmart website again.

you will be on rdp ok in above mentioned steps.

once done the above mentioned steps select what you want to card but i prefer to be below $500 because above this amount will go under manual verification. in card --> checkout , prompt then to login , login using the account you created already then it will prompt you to Enter Your shipping address (In This Case You Drop Info) make sure the drop Name matchs The Last Name the cc holder's last name ! (ex CC Holder Name : Mark , Johnson , Your Drop Name Will Be Name , Johnson) select fastest shipping method card it and BOOM ur done. dont forget doing it under using RDP that matchs cvv state.