TUTORIAL EARN 10$ per week for new users


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1. First, we will have to register to the sites that we will be using. (this is a one time setup so PLEASE be
patient and understand every instructions)
(the links will have ads, you can close it)
- PTR (this is the site that will pay you) link - http://easy-ptr.com/pages/index.php
- TrafficG (needed for automatic and manual promotion) link - http://trafficg.com/index.php
- Otohits (needed for automatic promotion) link - https://www.otohits.net/
- FreeRotator or any rotator (crucial part of promoting automatic) link -http://freerotator.com/

2. Now that you are registered to EasyPtr, you have to get your own promoter URL, go to this page: http://easy-ptr.com/pages/ptpmain.php your promoter URL looks like this: http://easy-ptr.com/pages/ptp.php?refid=yourusername
This is the URL that will earn you bitcoins when it is promoted. To check your earnings, bookmark this page: http://easy-ptr.com/pages/ptpstats.php?pid=1

3. Now we must add your promoter URL to TrafficG because TRAFFICG IS THE ONE who will promote it. But the problem is TrafficG doesn't accept that URL, so we have to shorten your promoter URL using: ******* (i hope you know how to do that) and add that shortened URL to TrafficG. Remember to set the geotargeting o target country to United States when adding the shortened URL.
Note: You have to surf at least 5 sites on TrafficG to make your account active. TrafficG will promote your URL and it will earn you money, IF YOU HAVE CREDITS ON TRAFFICG. Next part is how to have credits on TRAFFICG AUTOMATICALLY!

4. To generate automatic credits on your TrafficG account, we will be needing Otohits. First you must get your homepage link on TrafficG, it is located at the lower part of the TrafficG Main Page. It looks like this: http://trafficg.com/hps.php?member=yourusername. This is the link that generates free credits for TrafficG if it is viewed. We will be using Otohits to send unlimited views to this homepage link to generate unlimited credits to
your TRAFFICG account, so it can promote your promoter URL and earn you bitcoins. I hope you are following this.

5. Next we will add your TrafficG homepage link (http://trafficg.com/hps.php?member=yourusername) to Otohits. But first, you must put your TrafficG homepage link to a rotator. Use freerotator.com if you don't have one. Don't add your homepage link directly to Otohits. After adding your homepage link to a rotator, you will have a rotator link that looks like this: http://freerotator.com/ro/?r=1&u=yourusernameand this is the link that you will add to OTOHITS. When adding this to OTOHITS, just select 10seconds. Make 2 rotators and add them both to OTOHITS for faster credit generation.

6. On the OTOHITS site, we will need to download the VPS app. Go to APP V3, download the one in the middle, the VPS. Install it. Then LOG IN and leave it. This app will send views to your homepage link to generate credits on TRAFFICG so that TRAFFICG can promote your EasyPTR promoter URL. DID YOU GET IT? Next go to settings on the Site then turn on the AUTOMATIC ATTRIBUTION.

7. Considering you followed every instructions correctly, all you have to do now is always run the VPS app and login to your TrafficG account everyday to assign the generated credits to your EasyPTR promoter URL.
EasyPTR rates is: 2,000 credits generated = $1 worth of bitcoins.You can always check here: http://easy-ptr.com/pages/ptpstats.php?pid=1 . Minimum cash out is $5 to be paid to you directcly to your wallet. This is MASS PAY basis, not instant, but always paying. Don't worry about slow earning, you can see the result in just a week and you can decide whether to stay in this EASY way or not.
Tips: For faster earning, you can also do manual surfing on TRAFFICG as you run the VPS app on background.
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