The German Police Neutralized The Hosting Provider Of Trading Floors In The Darknet.

✨ Megiddo

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Staff member
May 15, 2016

200 servers of the so-called “bulletproof” hosting provider were located in the former NATO bunker.

After many years of investigation, the State Central Office for Combating Cybercrime (Die Landeszentralstelle Cybercrime) of the Koblenz General Prosecutor's Office (Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Koblenz) neutralized a large hosting network of four trading floors on the darknet, which offered various illegal goods, including drugs, stolen data, also child pornography.

The investigation in the city of Traben-Trarbach (Germany) revealed about 200 servers of the so-called “bulletproof” hosting provider, which were located in the former NATO bunker. Law enforcement officials arrested seven service operators suspected of a series of cyber attacks, including four Dutch citizens, two German citizens and one Bulgarian citizen.

Police believe that this data center was used three years ago as part of a cyber attack on the German national telecom operator Deutsche Telekom.

According to officials, the discovered server also hosted Wall Street Market's second-largest darknet trading platform. European Union and US authorities shut downher in May of this year, since it was used for the illicit trafficking of stolen data, fake documents, computer malware and drugs.

Bulletproof hosting - a virtual hosting or dedicated server, the owners of which are loyal to the content of the sites hosted on it and do not respond to requests from copyright holders and other interested parties. In this regard, such servers are very popular with spammers, online casino operators and pornography distributors.
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