RDP Brute (Cracked by Arman)


Advanced Vendor
Advanced Vendor
Jan 27, 2017

RDP Brute (Cracked by Arman)


[+] It uses the RDP protocol bug, which allows you to rebuild even if the Active Directory domain is unknown!
[+] Works across the entire line, from Windows XP to Windows 8.1 / Windows Server 2012 r2.
[+] Bruteforce RDP (dedikov) by IP address ranges.
[+] Brutfors RDP (dedikov) on the list of IP addresses.
[+] Bruteforce for Logins and Passwords, or for the list Login; Password.
[+] Automatically removes duplicate logins \ passwords.
[+] Multithreading.
[+] Ability to set a timeout.
[+] Ability to select a port.
[+] Ability to disable brute Windows XP-2003. This makes it possible to increase the productivity of the brutus and the purity of the hoods (many XP-2003 are killed by shkolota and Dubrut).
[+] High speed. RDP is implemented from scratch, without using ActiveX controls, third-party libraries, etc.
[+] Support for the following tags:% username%,% Username%,% USERNAME%,% EMANRESU%,% Emanresu%,% emanresu% and their variations, example:% username% 123
[+] Everything is implemented in a few clicks, as automated as possible.
[+] RDP Recognizer (real logins recognizer on RDP servers) comes bundled with a brute.
[+] And much more. Look at the screenshots, it is possible to determine the rest of the functionality.

jabber: bilalkhanicompk@jabber.ru

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