Protection of the Router


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What is dangerous about unauthorized access to your Wi-Fi and router?

Imagine that an attacker connected to your Wi-Fi, downloaded several gigabytes of child pornography and posted a couple of hundred extremist and other “inflammatory” messages. The contract for the provision of Internet services is executed for you, and they will also ask you for violation of the law, respectively.
Even if the person who connects will not commit illegal actions, he can download and distribute large files for days (including illegal content from torrent trackers), which will affect the speed and stability of your Internet connection. The network is full of stories with free Wi-Fi neighborhood. Perhaps you are that kind neighbor too?

The situation when a stranger knows the login and password to the router itself, includes all the risks listed above, and also adds several new ones.

For example, a joker simply changes the password to Wi-Fi and you lose access to the Internet. He can change the password to the router, and you have to reset to factory settings and re-configure everything (or call a specialist if you do not have the appropriate skills) to regain control of your equipment. Also, a joker can perform a reset.

There is no absolute protection, but you don’t need it.

There are many ways to hack networks. The probability of hacking is directly proportional to the motivation and hacking professionalism. If you have not made your enemies and do not have some supervaluable information, then you are unlikely to be purposefully and diligently hacked.
In order not to provoke random passers-by and eager for freebies of neighbors, it is enough to close the elementary security holes. Having met the slightest resistance on the way to your router or Wi-Fi, such a person will refuse to conceive or choose a less protected victim.
We bring to your attention the minimum sufficient set of actions with a Wi-Fi router, which will allow you not to become the object of evil jokes or someone's free access point.

1. Get access to your Wi-Fi router
The first step is to take control of your own router. You must know:
  • IP address of the router,
  • username and password to access the settings of the router.
To find out the IP address of the router, turn the device over and look at the sticker below. There, among other information, will be listed IP. This is usually either or
Also the address of the router is indicated in the user manual. If the box with the instructions from the router has not been preserved, then Google will help you find the user manual in electronic form.
You can independently find the address of the router from the computer.
  1. In Windows, press the key combination Windows + R.
  2. In the window that appears, type cmd and press Enter.
  3. In the window that appears, type ipconfig and press Enter.
  4. Locate the line “Default Gateway”. This is the address of your router.
Enter the received IP-address of the router in the browser. You will see the login page in the settings of the router.
Here you need to enter a username and password that you need to know. In most cases, the default login is the word admin, and the password is either an empty field or also admin (the default login and password are also shown at the bottom of the router). If the router got from the ISP, then call him and find out.
Without the ability to change the settings, you actually lose control of your own equipment. Even if you have to reset the settings of the router and re-configure everything, it's worth it. To avoid problems with access to the router in the future, write down the username and password and store them in a safe place without access to outsiders.

2. Create a strong password to access the router.
Having access to the router, the first thing is to change the password. The interfaces of the routers differ depending on the manufacturer, specific model and firmware version. In this matter, as well as in the subsequent steps to improve protection, you will be guided by the user guide for your router.

3. Think of a unique name (SSID) for a Wi-Fi network.
If your neighbors do not understand anything about technology, then a network name like fsbwifi or virus.exe can scare them away. In fact, a unique name will help you better navigate among other access points and uniquely identify your network.

4. Create a strong password for your Wi-Fi network.
By creating an access point without a password, you will actually make it publicly available. A strong password will not allow strangers to connect to your wireless network.

5. Make your Wi-Fi network invisible.
You will reduce the likelihood of an attack on your network if it cannot be detected without special software. Hiding the name of the access point improves security.

6. Enable Encryption
Modern routers support various methods of encrypting data transmitted over a wireless network, including WEP, WPA and WPA2. WEP is inferior in terms of reliability, but it is supported by old equipment. WPA2 is optimal in terms of reliability.

7. Disable WPS
WPS was created as a simplified way to create wireless networks, but in fact turned out to be extremely unstable to hacking. Disable WPS in the settings of the router.

8. Enable MAC Address Filtering. Router
settings allow you to filter network access by unique identifiers called MAC addresses. Each device that has a network card or network interface has its own MAC address.
You can create a list of MAC addresses of trusted devices, or prohibit connections to devices with specific MAC addresses.
If desired, an attacker can fake the MAC address of the device from which he is trying to connect to your network, but for an ordinary household wireless access point such a scenario is highly unlikely.

9. Reduce the radius of the Wi-Fi signal
Routers allow you to change the signal strength, thus increasing and decreasing the range of the wireless network. Obviously, you use Wi-Fi only inside the apartment or office. By lowering the transmit power to a value when the network signal is confidently received only within the premises, you will, on the one hand, make your network less noticeable to others, and on the other hand, reduce the amount of interference for neighboring Wi-Fi.

10. Update the firmware of the router
There is no perfect technology. Craftsmen find new vulnerabilities, manufacturers close them and release patches for existing devices. Periodically updating the firmware of your router, you reduce the likelihood that an attacker will take advantage of the flaws of old versions of software to bypass protection and access to your router and network.

11. Block remote access to the router
Even if you protect your wireless network and enter the settings of the router with passwords, attackers will still be able to access the router via the Internet. To protect the device from such interference from the outside, find the remote access function in the settings and disable it.

12. Firewall
Some routers have built-in firewall - a means of protection against various network attacks. Look in the security settings of the router for a function with a name like Firewall, Firewall or Firewall and turn it on if it is present. If you see additional firewall parameters, read the official instructions on how to configure them.

13. VPN
VPN services create something like an encrypted tunnel for secure data transfer between the device and the server. This technology reduces the likelihood of identity theft and makes it difficult to find the user's location.
To use VPN, you need to install a special client program on your gadget. Such software exists for mobile devices and computers. But some routers can also be connected to VPN services. This feature allows you to immediately protect all the gadgets in the local Wi-Fi-network, even if they do not have special programs.
Whether your router supports a VPN, you can find out in the instructions or on the manufacturer's website. The same applies to the necessary settings.