Paypal Refund God (refund Thousands)


✨ Money Transfer ✨
Advanced Vendor
This is a small, quick tutorial on how to perfectly refund any purchases on PayPal, did this a lot of times on sites such as steam (skins, knives), (gift cards), iPhones (x/ xs max), random clothing, some private gift card sites.

I don't recommend doing this on your own personal PayPal account, you should create new *BUSINESS!!* PayPal only, business PayPal has more reputation and you can win all chargebacks/refunds.

Why PayPal business? - it's hard to set up a fake PayPal business account, but I did it a lot of times, never failed, you just need perfect info for fake business registration, ids, credit card photo.

1. Create a PayPal business account - easy. (requires: email verification)
2. Confirm everything (remove limits) - medium. (requires: id picture, cc pic/cc info, billing address -
3. Send (how much money you want to refund) to the new PayPal business account - easy. (requires money on your real acc~)
4. Find any site and buy the item - easy. (recommended: digital items/gift cards since you don't need to use your own real info)
5. When you receive the gift card sell it for bitcoins on or another site you know - easy.
6. Create refund requests on PayPal with 2 lines of the reason why the item is bad/why you want to refund (just lie) - medium. (you need to make the reason that the item is not as described so you can escalate to PAYPAL!)
7. Escale to PayPal.
8. Repeat on other sites and later just send your paypal money back to your main PayPal.