- 2,855
- 623
- 723
Lloyds bank has a few tricks to it depending on the infos you have so lets say for example you have
Username :
Pass :
memerable :
Now if you only have this your supplier or seller has given you a hard task, but dont worry there s way around this login to the account and go to details page check and see what numbers are registered you will see lloyds gives you 3 numbers to register work,home,and mobile. mostly there will be only 1 or 2 added but what you really want is the mobile as it will pass otp (one time passcode) Now before you even try and change this check on the security page to see if the customer has text alerts enabled if they do do not CHANGE THE NUMBER and skip to step 2,
If they dont proceed to change the mobile number to a throw away sim card once you have changed the number do not log back into this account. Now lloyds takes 2 working days before you can use this number basically 48 hours now do NOT be thinking on that min i am going to log back in and transfer wait 4 days as banking systems have red flags in place IE the system is programmed to stop certain things if it looks wrong for example trying to take 100% of a balance it will not work system will flag it, so wait 4 days then login once u login have your drops account and sort code and name select transfer and have sim card that you changed ready, Now for example if balance is 10k do not try push all that out many guys in this game want it all do not think like this. No.1 ITS BETTER TO GET PAID SOMETHING THAN NOTHING. NO.2 ITS NOT YOUR MONEY. So my adivse go for 35% of the balance now when you click new transfer it will say add new payee enter in your drops details, now it will ask you to confirm adding your new payee select the mobile option (ie number u added) select text it will text you the code enter it on screen and you will see your payee is added, now go and make your transfer same process select the mobile u added enter the code and transfer you will see it says compleate now lloyds has a faster payment system 2 hours but 9/10 its there in 20 mins
If they have all number filled do not change as customer will get a text and you have just fried the login so you have 2 options here 1. check the network with this network checker : http://www.aql.com/telecoms/network_lookup.php now enter the number and see what network it is please note this is not 100% but most times is accurate for example is some 1 has 02 and changed to ee and kept same number it will still say 02. Now all you have to do is find a sim swap guy and then go back to step 1 nad compleate your transaction.
Step 3
Now most good sellers will save you all this hasele and provide you with the following
user name :
password :
memorable :
telepin :
sort code :
account number :
dob :
mobile :
Now if you have these infos you are sorted TELEPIN = telephone banking passcode this is the daddy as it will pass all security and save you time so if you have this you do not even need to login into the account get ur drop s infos call up lloyds telephone banking now do not be stupit if customer is 50 and your 22 get your voice sorted. now when you call up login with account number and sort code option it will ask for certain numbers of the telepin enter them then you will hear balance then select make a transfer now you will be pput through to live person. KEEP CALM ano do not not act so so polite act as if you are making a transfer from your own account you have to be the person you got the infos on, now many just wack the 35% on the phone but as you new play it safe you can be smart call up and transfer 35 pounds only 2 ur drop WHY ? simple when you make this transfer your drop is automattically added as a payee so now u can login online and wack the rest online, its up to you what way you chose do it all on the phone or small then rest online.
PS: when your drop had your 35% of the balance in his hand do not be afraid to call back up and go again
Username :
Pass :
memerable :
Now if you only have this your supplier or seller has given you a hard task, but dont worry there s way around this login to the account and go to details page check and see what numbers are registered you will see lloyds gives you 3 numbers to register work,home,and mobile. mostly there will be only 1 or 2 added but what you really want is the mobile as it will pass otp (one time passcode) Now before you even try and change this check on the security page to see if the customer has text alerts enabled if they do do not CHANGE THE NUMBER and skip to step 2,
If they dont proceed to change the mobile number to a throw away sim card once you have changed the number do not log back into this account. Now lloyds takes 2 working days before you can use this number basically 48 hours now do NOT be thinking on that min i am going to log back in and transfer wait 4 days as banking systems have red flags in place IE the system is programmed to stop certain things if it looks wrong for example trying to take 100% of a balance it will not work system will flag it, so wait 4 days then login once u login have your drops account and sort code and name select transfer and have sim card that you changed ready, Now for example if balance is 10k do not try push all that out many guys in this game want it all do not think like this. No.1 ITS BETTER TO GET PAID SOMETHING THAN NOTHING. NO.2 ITS NOT YOUR MONEY. So my adivse go for 35% of the balance now when you click new transfer it will say add new payee enter in your drops details, now it will ask you to confirm adding your new payee select the mobile option (ie number u added) select text it will text you the code enter it on screen and you will see your payee is added, now go and make your transfer same process select the mobile u added enter the code and transfer you will see it says compleate now lloyds has a faster payment system 2 hours but 9/10 its there in 20 mins
If they have all number filled do not change as customer will get a text and you have just fried the login so you have 2 options here 1. check the network with this network checker : http://www.aql.com/telecoms/network_lookup.php now enter the number and see what network it is please note this is not 100% but most times is accurate for example is some 1 has 02 and changed to ee and kept same number it will still say 02. Now all you have to do is find a sim swap guy and then go back to step 1 nad compleate your transaction.
Step 3
Now most good sellers will save you all this hasele and provide you with the following
user name :
password :
memorable :
telepin :
sort code :
account number :
dob :
mobile :
Now if you have these infos you are sorted TELEPIN = telephone banking passcode this is the daddy as it will pass all security and save you time so if you have this you do not even need to login into the account get ur drop s infos call up lloyds telephone banking now do not be stupit if customer is 50 and your 22 get your voice sorted. now when you call up login with account number and sort code option it will ask for certain numbers of the telepin enter them then you will hear balance then select make a transfer now you will be pput through to live person. KEEP CALM ano do not not act so so polite act as if you are making a transfer from your own account you have to be the person you got the infos on, now many just wack the 35% on the phone but as you new play it safe you can be smart call up and transfer 35 pounds only 2 ur drop WHY ? simple when you make this transfer your drop is automattically added as a payee so now u can login online and wack the rest online, its up to you what way you chose do it all on the phone or small then rest online.
PS: when your drop had your 35% of the balance in his hand do not be afraid to call back up and go again