OWASP Passfault

✨ DeeZNuTz

✨ Master ✨
Staff member
May 15, 2017
OWASP Passfault evaluates passwords and enforces password policy in a completely different way. https://passfault-hrd.appspot.com

Running the Command-line Interface:
  1. install java 8 jdk
  2. cd core
  3. ../gradlew installDist
  4. run build/install/core/bin/core
Running the jsonWebService:
  1. cd jsonService
  2. ../gradlew build jettyRunWar
  3. browse to localhost:8080/jsonService Note the war will be located in jsonService/build/lib/passfault-jsonService-[version].war
Running in Docker:
  1. Pull the Passfault image: docker pull ccaamm/passfault
  2. Create and run a passfault instance: docker run -p 8080:8080 --name myPassfault ccaamm/passfault
  3. Browse to localhost:8080

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