One-Lin3r v2.0 - Gives You One-Liners That Aids In Penetration Testing Operations

✨ DeeZNuTz

✨ Master ✨
Staff member

One-Lin3r is simple modular and light-weight framework gives you all the one-liners that you will need while penetration testing(Windows, Linux, macOS or even BSD systems) or hacking generally with a lot of new features to make all of this fully automated (ex: you won't even need to copy the one-liners).


  • A lot of liners use with different purposes, currently are more than 155 liner.
  • The auto-complete feature that has been implemented in this framework is not the usual one you always see, here are some highlights:
    • It's designed to fix typos in typed commands to the most similar command with just one tab click so seach becomes search and so on, even if you typed any random word similar to an command in this framework.
    • For you lazy-ones out there like me, it can predict what liner you are trying to use by typing any part of it. For example if you typed use capabilities and clicked tab, it would be replaced with use linux/bash/list_all_capabilities and so on. I can see your smile, You are welcome!
    • If you typed any wrong command then pressed enter, the framework will tell you what is the nearest command to what you have typed which could be the one you really wanted.
    • Some less impressive things like auto-complete for variables after set command, auto-complete for liners after use and info commands and finally it converts all uppercase to lowercase automatically just-in-case you switched cases by mistake while typing.
    • Finally, you'll find your normal auto-completion things you were using before, like commands auto-completion and persistent history, etc...
  • Automation
    • You can automatically copy the liner you want to clipboard with command copy <liner> instead of using use <liner> and then copying it which saves a lot of time, of course, if you merged it with the following features.
    • As you may noticed, you can use a resource file from command-line arguments before starting the framework itself or send commands directly.
    • Inside the framework you can use makerc command like in Metasploit but this time it only saves the correct important commands.
    • There are history and resource commands so you don't need to exit the framework.
    • You can execute as many commands as you want at the same time by splitting them with semi-colon.
    • Searching for any liner here is so easy, you can search for a liner by its name, function or even the liner author name.
  • You can add your own liners by following these steps to create a liner as a python file. After that you can make a Pull request with it then it will be added in the framework and credited with your name of course .
  • The ability to reload the database if you added any liner without restarting the framework.
  • You can add any platform to the liners database just by making a folder in liners folder and creating a ".liner" file there.
  • More...
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