Ntlmrecon - A Tool To Enumerate Information From Ntlm Authentication Enabled Web Endpoints

✨ DeeZNuTz

✨ Master ✨
Staff member

A fast and flexible NTLM reconnaissance tool without external dependencies. Useful to find out information about NTLM endpoints when working with a large set of potential IP addresses and domains.
NTLMRecon is built with flexibilty in mind. Need to run recon on a single URL, an IP address, an entire CIDR range or combination of all of it all put in a single input file? No problem! NTLMRecon got you covered. Read on.
Internal wordlists are from the awesome nyxgeek/lyncsmash repo
NTLMRecon looks for NTLM enabled web endpoints, sends a fake authentication request and enumerates the following information from the NTLMSSP response:
  1. AD Domain Name
  2. Server name
  3. DNS Domain Name
  4. FQDN
  5. Parent DNS Domain
Since ntlmrecon leverages a python implementation of NTLMSSP, it eliminates the overhead of running Nmap NSE http-ntlm-info for every successful discovery.
If you're on Arch Linux or any Arch linux based distribution, you can grab the latest build from AUR
Generic Installation
  1. Clone the repository - git clone https://github.com/sachinkamath/ntlmrecon/
  2. RECOMMENDED - Install virtualenv pip install virtualenv
  3. Start a new virtual environment - virtualenv venv and activate it with source venv/bin/activate
  4. Run the setup file - python setup.py install
  5. Run ntlmrecon - ntlmrecon --help
Download NTLMRecon