Noobie Help


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Hey! So your forum is amazing and I'm really hoping someone could maybe assist me here. Im new at carding but usually carders are My clientele and I've been trying to learn. ANYWAYS IT'S BEEN A ROUGH WEEK. My car was stolen with my phone, laptop(my employment), wallet, and my dog while I was paying for gas. He threw my dog out window going down the highway. I can do any type of forgery documents, ID(all 50 states), SS, passports,i even have photoshop templates for all denominations $$$. I also have 8 rt/acc # from a former employer. Just seeing if maybe someone could trade? If not totally cool and sorry for bothering you LOVELY people with my problems just kinda desperate! Thanks 4 your time. Telegram @rebelous4ply or PM me. I'm open to any and all help or suggestions!