Neighborhood Wi-Fi

✨ DeeZNuTz

✨ Master ✨
Staff member
We all know that wi-fi networks can be hacked, but the methods are sometimes complicated. Most do not want to bathe and deal with Kali Linux, wareshark, aircrack and other similar topics, despite the fact that there is plenty of information in the same clear source.

Today's post is aimed at those who do not want to understand anything, but at the same time want free Internet.

To "identify vulnerabilities" we will use regular applications for android. The only thing that is required is ROOT rights, but I’m sure that there will be no problems with getting them (a lot of information on

Three applications are used:


1: WifAccess
2: Wps Wpa Tester
3: Wifi WPS Unlocker [Unlocked]

All three applications use the vulnerability of routers, which are "standard" WPS passwords. Specifically about each talk below.
Step one (WifAccess)

After opening the application, we are immediately shown the list of available networks:


Those networks that cannot be hacked are marked in red .
Blue marked the networks that we have already saved and to which we can connect.
Green marks those networks that we can test for vulnerabilities.

Select a network and click on it:


Further "Automatic testing":


After there is a search of possible WPS passwords. How the scan ends, will show the data on the hacked network or, as in my case, that "PIN not found":


At the end of this application.

Step Two (Wps Wpa Tester)

Here the application is more interesting, with its help I managed to get passwords from several networks in different places. At its core, it is almost the same as the previous one, but, apparently, the base of possible PINs is larger. Let's start.

As soon as we go into the application, click "Accept" and then click on the round update button.
Now it shows us which networks are possible for testing:


Green, again, highlighted those networks, which are more likely to be hacked, and yellow - with a low chance.
From the bottom right, there must be a tick "Wps Only", because our "testing" is carried out just on routers that use wps.
I chose the Sagemcom network:


Click "Connect Automatic PIN".
If it didn’t work the first time, change the checkboxes from “New Method” to “Old Method” and vice versa.
After several attempts and different variations, this is what happened:


Now we have a password to the network, which is automatically saved to the phone, so that it will not need to be entered, but in any case it is better to screen it.

If in the main menu with the list of networks click on the diskette icon next to the "refresh" button, the whole list of saved networks on the smartphone will appear:


By the way, the vulnerabilities of DIR-615 and flat56 were revealed by another application, which will be discussed further.

Step Three (Wifi WPS Unlocker)

I consider it the most successful of these three by the criterion of "the number of possible pins".
Go. Having opened the application, we immediately press the "SCAN" button and a list of networks appears before us:


Checkboxes are, as you probably understand, on those networks to which we already have access.
The percentages that you see are the level of the network signal, or the power, to whom it is more convenient.

Select the network we need, click on it -> "Yes" and see the following:


"But this is not the case." This means that such a router is not in the list of possible ones for hacking, but there is a very close model similar to it. If it says "The router included in list ..." in green, it means it is in the list.
A tick is automatically on "Try All PINs" and I recommend not to touch it. Click "CONNECT" and wait for the result:


Unfortunately, our "hacker" could not find the correct pin to this router. But ... think that's all? But no, this is where the fun begins.

We have a cracked paid version, so there is an additional “paid” list of PINs.
Again we go to the network we need, click "Yes" and then click "More PINs". Click on the connection:


Each of them will have to be tested manually. Click on "NO root", I personally test it so you can try it with "root", but I always did it without it.


Then you either have a window with data, or a window with failure, in which you click "OK" and then test each PIN in turn.
Thanks to this application, as I said, it was possible to find out the passwords flat56 and DIR-615. But now, when I wanted to show the work of this application, flat56 for some reason does not give in. Maybe the neighbors router changed, and maybe something else ...


Links to applications:
wifi Access
Wps Wpa Tester
Wifi WPS Unlocker