Load balancing (LBD)

✨ DeeZNuTz

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Staff member
Load balancing(lbd) is the technique used in different services for balancing the load across different servers or NICs. It can be in any form. Load balancing can be done to evenly distribute workload through a series of Computer clusters.

Or it can be used within a single system to balance connections across a set of network interface cards or disks. In a cluster of computers, all systems will have all the data synced within them. A manager resource selects the specific node within the cluster when an incoming request is made.

The manager effectively transfers the connections to another node if the workload of any one of the nodes is high. Thus load balancing minimizes response-time & maximizes throughput. Load balancing can be implemented in both software & hardware levels.

Typically HTTP & DNS load balancing is done when a website has got a lot of incoming traffic like an e-Commerce website or the best example would be Facebook or Google itself.

These websites receive at least 10M requests per minute. So obviously a single host will not be able to serve all these requests. So their requests will be spread over a series of computing resource clusters in order to keep them running.

In a Security perspective, implementing HTTP load balancing has the following major advantages:

DDos & Synflood Protection

Load Balancing enables SYN-Cookies which help in preventing DDoS Attacks. & SYN flood attacks.

SSL Offload & Acceleration

In TLS enabled sites, loads are much higher for the web server since a series of continuous asymmetric encryption is going on. This decreases the throughput, but load balancing balances the load across different nodes inside a cluster and distributes the excessive load due to TLS.

Hiding Error Pages

Some HTTP load balancers can hide the HTTP error pages from being seen outside.

Firewall & IPS

Implementing load balancing creates a layer between the client and the server. So direct connection between the client & server is not possible. So within this layer, firewalls & Intrusion Prevention Systems can be implemented. Moreover, a WAF also can be in the way.

Priority Queuing

Load balancers can prioritize the traffic & intelligently serve the incoming requests.