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- 1
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We're back for round 2, ENJOY 
Etsy.com - BILL=BILL
Walmart.com - BILL=BILL (Yea thats right, you can card walmart
Nike.com - BILL=BILL
Zappos.com - BILL=BILL
Goldenmine.com (You'll need high balance card for this site. Contact me if you are in need)
Yoox.com BILL=BILL (You'll need high balance card)
Vipoutlet.com BILL=BILL
Barproducts.com BILL=BILL
Bose.com BILL=SHIP (Everything needs to be exactly the same!)
Buckle.com BILL=BILL
All of these are currently live. If you order didnt go through its your method or your card! Contact me if you need cards. Giving out methods also.
Zutalibeu Nuv Xwea

Etsy.com - BILL=BILL
Walmart.com - BILL=BILL (Yea thats right, you can card walmart

Nike.com - BILL=BILL
Zappos.com - BILL=BILL
Goldenmine.com (You'll need high balance card for this site. Contact me if you are in need)
Yoox.com BILL=BILL (You'll need high balance card)
Vipoutlet.com BILL=BILL
Barproducts.com BILL=BILL
Bose.com BILL=SHIP (Everything needs to be exactly the same!)
Buckle.com BILL=BILL
All of these are currently live. If you order didnt go through its your method or your card! Contact me if you need cards. Giving out methods also.
Zutalibeu Nuv Xwea