Kaboom - Automatic Pentest

✨ DeeZNuTz

✨ Master ✨
Staff member
kaboom is a script that automates the penetration test. It performs several tasks for each phase of pentest:
Information gathering [nmap-unicornscan]
> TCP scan
> UDP scan

Vulnerability assessment [nmap-nikto-dirb-searchsploit-msfconsole]

It tests several services:
> smb
> ssh
> snmp
> smtp
> ftp
> tftp
> ms-sql
> mysql
> rdp
> http
> https
and more...

Exploitation [hydra]
brute force ssh

kaboom supports two mode:
> Interactive mode:
kaboom [ENTER] ...and the script does the rest

> NON-interactive mode:
kaboom <results_path> <nic> <target_ip> [-s or --shutdown]

If you use the shutdown option, kaboom will shutdown the machine at the end of tasks.
If you want see this help:
kaboom -h (or --help)

Directory Hierarchy
kaboom saves the results of commands in this way:

Download Kaboom