Just bought software and I have some questions.


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So I just got done buying 101 dumps and the software with a video explaining how to use to. Though I want to know

1. Do I need a omikey for 101 dumps?
2. They only have track 1 and 2. Can I still use them. The guy told me the software makes track 3 but idk.
3. Should I use hico blank cards with 2 tracks or 3 tracks?
4. I'm in the US and all atms use the the chip. For purchases is it safer to buy online or in store?
5. When I buy something with it in store is there a chance they will call bank?
I would highly appreciate the help
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Did you ever figured it out I also have questions if I go cloning cards do i still need to have the person name and addy or can I change that with the software ? Or how can I find fullz on the cards number I have