Instead Of Blocking, Russia Will Begin To Fine Violators On The Internet.

✨ Megiddo

✨ President ✨
Staff member
May 15, 2016

The Russian authorities plan to move from blocking violators on the Internet to the use of fines. This was reported to the TASS news agency by the head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov.

“At present, the Russian Federation is discussing a bill prescribing rather serious fines for companies that do not comply with legislation in the field of Internet regulation. It seems to me that this is a very serious and effective step forward. If we said several years ago that violators should be blocked, now it seems to me that there is a more civilized and effective method when they are punished with an “economic ruble” - in this way we are ensuring that he complies with local laws, ”he said. Zharov.

According to the head of Roskomnadzor, state bodies should seek compliance with laws, especially in the context of the emergence of fifth-generation communication networks and new types of encryption. Such issues must be regulated at the international level, and the rules should be the same for everyone, including states, corporations, and people.

“To ensure the protection of national interests when the Internet penetrates into various spheres of our life is quite simple: it is necessary to ensure that all market participants and all citizens comply with local national laws. The state should have various instruments of influence on violators, primarily economic ones. We have the necessary tools for regulation, ”said Zharov.

According to him, the Russian Federation supports the idea of multipolarity in Internet governance, and international organizations, for example, the International Telecommunication Union, should have more rights to manage it.
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