Hvazard - Remove Short Passwords & Duplicates, Change Lowercase To Uppercase & Reverse

✨ DeeZNuTz

✨ Master ✨
Staff member
May 15, 2017

Remove short passwords & duplicates, change lowercase to uppercase & reverse, combine wordlists!
Manual & explaination
-d --dict Specifies the file you want to modify. This is the only parameter / argument that is not optional.
-o --out The output filename (optional). Default is out.txt.
-s --short This operation removes the lines with length shorter/equal to the specified number. Example: python dm.py -d dictionary.txt -s 5 <- This removes all lines with 5 or less characters of the file dictionary.txt
-d --dupli This operation removes duplicate lines. If a line appears more than once, it gets removed. This is done so no password is tried more than once, since it is a waste of time. Example: python dm.py -d wordlist -d
-l --lower This operation turns all upper-case letters to lower-case. Lower-case letters remain that way. Example: python dm.py --lower -d dictionary
-u --upper This operation turns all lower-case letters to upper-case. upper-case letters remain that way. Example: python dm.py -u -d file.txt
-j --join This operation joins two files together to great one larger file. Example: python dm.py -d wd1.txt -j wd2.txt <- The result is saved on the second wordlist (wd2.txt)
-c --cut This operation removes all lines before the line number you specify. Useful if you have already used a large part of the wordlist and do not want to go through the same process. Example: python --cut rockyou.txt -o cutrocku.txt
-e --exp This option shows this message.
-a --arg This option shows the arguments & options.
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