How to start learning Kali Linux

✨ DeeZNuTz

✨ Master ✨
Staff member
Speaking about learning Kali Linux usually mean working with programs. Although the Kali Linux operating system also has many questions to study (creating a custom ISO, installing on removable media, encrypting permanent partitions and much more), it is also possible to use the system without understanding them. Therefore, these issues fade into the background.

First of all, novice hackers are interested in working with tools. It will be much easier to work with the tools if you have experience and knowledge of administering a Linux system, understanding of the "hardware" (knowledge of the technical aspects of IT technologies) and knowledge of one or more programming languages. The more knowledge on these issues, the better. Nevertheless, you can start from absolute zero - here are some examples of what you can do by first booting Kali Linux.

If you are just starting to get acquainted with Linux, then at least you need to learn how to open a terminal and enter commands into it (“Basics of working in the Linux command line”).

Then you can check your router if it is vulnerable to exploits and if it contains a weak password (“Instructions for Using RouterSploit”). You only need to know the IP of your router (the instructions say how to do this, or refer to the documentation for your router, usually the IP of the router is or and enter several commands to run. If you are new, it’s unlikely that you will be able to exploit the vulnerabilities found, but you will know about them, you can update the firmware of your router to get rid of them.

If you have your own WordPress site, then you can check it for vulnerable plugins and themes.

If your site is not on WordPress, and not on any popular CMS at all, then with the help of sqlmap you can check it for SQL injection - a dangerous vulnerability.

Very often, newcomers are interested in hacking Wi-Fi networks. In general, the Wi-Fi theme is fairly accessible, since the attacks are easy to implement, there are many good programs that automate the process even more, and there are always enough targets for testing. For newbies to Wi-Fi auditing, I recommend the Wifite and airgeddon programs.

For wider acquaintance, the book “Hacking Wi-Fi networks with Kali Linux” is recommended, which is also designed for beginners to study the information security of wireless networks.

Some simple attacks on interception of data in local networks are available to novice hackers with the programs Bettercap and MITMf.

The given examples are really under the force of those who do not even understand the principles of the work of these programs. This does not mean that it is not necessary to study, for example, the operation of network protocols, the operation of web services. Additional knowledge in IT will help to effectively implement the attack (or defend against it).