How To Card 2016 - Laptop Carding Method

✨ Megiddo

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Staff member
May 15, 2016
[FONT=&quot]How To Card 2016 - Laptop Carding Method [/FONT]

How 2 Get (Card) Dell Laptop

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A - If You Want To Make Only Single Order With Single Cvv2 ( Which is Valid and virgin Ofcourse !! )

1- first check the cc and make sure it`s Valid .. Then Go To

to make sure that Your Location Is Usa .. if everything is Okay , Go to : Or Dell Official Site - The Power To Do More | Dell

choose Your Item ( Under 450 ) 17-19 Inch LCD Monitors Will Be Okay , Also

JukeBoxes will ship .

* Make Sure The Item Is In-Stock so there won`t Be Any Delay Or Chance For Canceling The Order .

2- Click On Add To Cart Then Check Out , You Will Be Prompted To Sign Up For A New User Or Sign In If You Have An Existing Account ( Sign Up For A New Account )

3- Enter The First And Last Name For Your Drop As The Account First And Last Name In The Sign Up Page , Provide A Valid Email address And Password .

4- You`ll Be Redirected To The Shipping Info Page , You`ll Find The First Name and Last Name Provided In The Sign Up Page Stored There , Just Add The Address and Other Info

*Note : You Don`t Have To Provide A Valid Phone Number For Shipping Address , The Billing Phone Also Works For Shipping

5- Choose The Fastest Shipping Method (Next Day Air ) Also 2nd Day air will work , but Make Sure The Total Amount Doesn`t Exceed 470-480 $

6- On The Billing Page , Remove The Shipping Info Stored . Then Add The Billing Info Which Must Be Same As stored In Bank ( Make Sure The CC Is 100 % Valid ) The Most IMPORTANT PART HERE IS THE BILLING PHONE NUMBER

which must be the same stored with bank coz they use this number for verification ( not calling the card holder , but to verify the info with bank )

7- Don`t Choose Any Limit In The Billing Page ( Choose:No Limit )

Click Submit !!

B- IF You Intend To Use The Same Card More Than Once To Order More Than 1 Item ;

*First Note That This Method May Get You In Trouble If You Send These Items To Your Own Home , Also the items May get returned to shipper before You Recieve Them .

1- Follow The 1st Method For Ordering Single Item With 1 Cc , you`ll recieve 2 emails after ordering ( Dell Order Acknowledgement - Dell Order Confirmation ) as soon as You Recieve The Second Email Which Is : Dell Order Confirmation

check the order status in 10 - 30 minutes IF You See Something Like (In-Production Or Pre-Production ) Go To The Next Step .

2- Make Another Order and which must not exceed 480 $

3- Follow All Previous Steps ( Storing Your Credit Card Info Will Ease The Mission )

4- Repeat This For As Many Times as The Limit Of The CC Allow .

5- Don`t Make Any Orders If The Previous Order Status Isn`t ( In-Production OR Pre-Production )

6- If They Suspect One Of The Orders They Will Cancel All Orders . Ofcourse Next Day Shipping Method Will Decrease The Chance Of Getting Items Returned To Shipper .

That`s All , And Enjoy Your Carding Of DELL
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