Carding Tips From Joker_JB


✨ E-Gift Seller ✨
Verified Vendor
  • 1. Always clear your history and clean cookies and change mac address.
  • 2. Always clear your flesh cookies.
  • 3. Vpn is not good for carding now as most of the ip of vpn have been
  • blacklisted by Good shops.
  • 4. Always use socks5 which is live and not blacklisted.
  • 5. you should match the ip of same state and city.
  • 6. Always match the timezone of cc same state.
  • 7. Always try to type the details of cc as many site now have
  • script to check copy paste of cc details as most of the time
  • carders copy paste the details of cc. Actual owner always
  • type all details.
  • 8. Get the maximum information of cc owner from background
  • check sites there you can found DOB, MMN and sometimes SSN.
  • Most of these sites are cardable with public cc.
  • 9. If you want to be a pro carder than stop using free email
  • sites as yahoo, gmail, aol etc.
  • 10. Better solution is first card a domain and hosting and make
  • a small site and then create a email of cc owner their
  • of the same name on cc. you can also use free domain or
  • sub domain sites but carding your host & domain is better.
  • While carding domain and hosting you should use Amex cc
  • as there is less chances of chargeback.
  • 11. Check the cc live before using site not on checker as sometimes
  • it kills cc. Find a most easy cardable site and make a bogus account
  • and checkout for small amount like 2$ if it work then go to original site.
  • 12. Always study the site carefully which you want to card and its seller.
  • Most of the time seller who sell refurnished Mobiles etc are in hurry
  • to ship the item. So search them.
  • 13. When you card some big Items of a new account from site it is suspicious.
  • So you can make new a new account and leave it for some months after
  • that card small items and always give good feedback.
  • But the better way is to buy old accounts of the site with good feedback.
  • 14. Always Use Skype ac with credit and call forwarding services. If you call the
  • shop with the number of cc owner and ask customer care of site some help
  • before filling cc details your chances of success or much higher.
  • You should always use it if you want to card high value items.
  • 15. Always Use Trusted drop of same country if you are carding a international
  • Site. Because shipping to another country is always suspicious.
  • 16. Always try to carding on Weekends as shops not able to contact and verify
  • extra details from bank by calling them. You can also check closing time of
  • bank and card after closing timing of bank.
  • 17. Always Send a Email instantly to seller after order complete to ship order
  • fast as you need it urgent as there is some function in your house.
  • 18. Don't use a cc at Same Site from different Accounts.Use it at one
  • account maximum 3-4 Times.
  • 19. One of my friend Using a new trick he calls from the mobile number of cc
  • owner with skype to the cc issuing bank that he is going to shop some
  • goods and they should make the approval fast. I don't know the full trick
  • and working on it you should also find your ways. If you succeed to convince
  • cc issuing bank that you are original cc owner than you will rock with high
  • amount purchase.
  • 20. If you use the pp in carding then buy pp with email access and
  • delete the order related emails from inbox and trash box of email
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