A Guide To Everything Non-AVS


✨ Money Transfer ✨
Advanced Vendor
I have a little time on my hands today so I have decided to do something
productive and try and get everything AVS under one roof to make things
nice and easy for people with avs questions.

I have never actually used a non-avs card! lol. I have however spent a long
time on this forum reading just about everything I can get my hands on (I
don't even plan to start carding until I have another 2 months reading about
how things work) and want to try and give something back. I imagine there
will be mistakes so if any of the regular dudes here spot something wrong
let me know.

Glossary - The terms you will come across when reading about avs.
AVS - AVS stands for address verification system and is one of the many
things sites use to verify that the card in question is not being used
fraudulently. However, some cards do not have this in place meaning the
site is unable to pull up the address the card is registered to

Bill=ship - One of the most commonly asked questions on TCF and evo.
As the system of any site is unable to verify the address you can put any
address you like in the billing address section of the delivery form . This
is good news as the billing address differing from the shipping address can
throw up major red flags during transactions. With this being said the
billing address should always match your shipping address. This is often
shortened to bill=ship.

VBV - Verified by visa (VBV) is the second stage of the 2-factor
authentication system used by visa to try and prevent fraudulent
transactions. The first of these is the CVV2 number, which is the 3 digits
found on the back of 99% of CC's. Just because a card is non avs doesn't
mean it will not have vbv.

BIN - BIN is bank identification number. BINS can be checked by visiting
Here and typing the first 6 numbers of your cc in.
Now with the general terms out the way we can move on to some of the
other questions we see so many times a day.

Pros and Cons of non avs
As mentioned above, the main advantage of non ans cards is the ability to
make the billing address = drop address (which should NEVER be your
house/appartment/condo/garden shed or whatever else you may happen to
live in) as if these do not match sites can ask for additional verification.
The drawback with these cards is that they tend to be from south american
countries so cards with good balances are hard to come by. Thinking you
can order $5000 worth of stuff just because bill=ship is an easy mistake to
make but it really will not be the case with so many of these. Stick to a
very maximum of $1000 to avoid burning your cards I would say.
Also note that some sites can refuse non avs because they are not able to
verify the address for the card.

Other FAQ's
Where should I set my socks to?
Another common question. If you don't yet know what socks are or how they work, I suggest you
get your ass over to the TCF wiki and read everything on there as you have a lot to learn before
starting this. If you do know what socks are then lets continue .
For non avs cards your socks should be set as close to your drop as possible as this will also be the
billing address. The origin of the card does not matter as remember the site can not verify the

What are some non AVS BINS?
This information is not freely available in general. Some kind folks have offered some up on some
threads in this forum (can't find the link sorry) so take a look, use the BIN checker and take it from
Hope this at least answers some of the questions, if not feel free to ask and I will see what I can do.
Happy carding folks!
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