3 big mistakes in carding Must be avoided for "Shipped"


✨ Cvv Seller ✨
Verified Vendor
if you are doing just one of this mistakes , you will never get shipped email lol

1-some people don't change the Ip until checkout page
well if u are one of them you must change IP before u click on the site

2-Others change Ip and when they can't card something they change ip to another country ... you can't just do that , you must clean cookies if u want to change IP again , site has a tool names Previous IP of this visitor that mean automatic fraude
you won't card even if all ur cc are live and high balance
or u will get thank you page and after 2 sec you will receive email with cancelled message..

3-lots of carders keep using many cc in one site to card something , man u can't just do that , you tell them u are carder by sending to them many cc infos and names in the same time...
try 5 times max 10 and then wait 24 and try again

And for noobs , carding is very risky , and drop won't get u safe bro , drop sell ur infos easily when site contact it...and it will lead them to ur real adresse
so if u want to be safe , stay low than 100$ and everything will be ok

Finaly , How to find cardables sites ?
stop asking carders for that ...get cardales sites by ur self just by using instagram or facebook , almost all sites on the ads are so easy to card....
also for me personally i get cardables sites from youtube lol

if you don't want to card , i have a solution for you :d

you know online games right ?
try to card games points to someone and he will pay you for that
i used to do that and made my first dollars lol , that was cool and so safe

good luck and be safe