The Organizer Of A Hacker Group That Stole Money From Ukrainian Bank Accounts Was Detained

✨ Megiddo

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Staff member
May 15, 2016
Hackers using malicious software unauthorized interfered in the work of banks and appropriated several million hryvnia. After the announcement of suspicion of a series of cybercrimes, the organizer was hiding from law enforcement, then he was put on the wanted list.

Cyberpolice found that the defendant created malicious software. The criminal group sent this virus to electronic mailboxes for access to the client-bank. Later they tracked the receipt of significant sums of money to the bank accounts of enterprises. After that, the money was transferred to the open accounts of accomplices.

During the pre-trial investigation, law enforcement officers conducted 35 searches in the territory of Transcarpathian, Kiev, Ivano-Frankivsk, Odessa regions and the city of Kiev. According to their results, material evidence was seized.

All defendants were informed of a suspicion of having committed the offenses under Part 3 of Art. 28 (commission of a crime by a group of persons, a group of persons by prior conspiracy, an organized group or a criminal organization), part 2 of article 361 (Unauthorized interference with the operation of electronic computers (computers), automated systems, computer networks or telecommunication networks), part 2 of article 361-1 (Creation for the use, distribution or sale of harmful software or hardware, as well as their distribution or sale), part 5 of article 185 (theft) and h. 3 Article 209 (Legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The organizer was hiding from law enforcement, avoiding responsibility, he was wanted.

The suspect was detained on the basis of a court order in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. He was selected a preventive measure in the form of detention, with an alternative to a bail of 2.5 million hryvnia.



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