The Operator Of The Largest Hosting With Prohibited Content Sentenced To 27 Years In Prison

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The hosting hosts over 200 child pornography websites.


Eric Eoin Marques, who was named by the US authorities as the world's most famous distributor of prohibited content, was sentenced to 27 years in federal prison.

In February 2020, Marquez pleaded guilty to creating and operating a web hosting service called Freedom Hosting on the darknet between 2008 and 2013. The hosting hosts over 200 child pornography websites with over 8.5 million images and videos of prohibited content.
The 36-year-old man created and operated computer servers on the darknet, allowing users to anonymously access millions of illegal images and videos.

"Eric Marquez was one of the largest distributors of child pornography in the world," said Jonathan F. Lenzner, acting US Attorney for the District of Maryland.

The judge agreed to recommend that the US Federal Bureau of Prisons take into account the eight years that Márquez has already served in both Ireland and the United States since his arrest in 2013. The judge also ordered him to pay $ 87,000 in compensation to the victims.