The New Android Store Dedicated to Free Security Apps


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The Kali NetHunter App Store is a one-stop-shop for security relevant Android applications. It is the ultimate alternative to the Google Play store for any Android device, whether rooted or not, NetHunter or stock. If you are after any security application for your Android device, the NetHunter Store will be the place to get it.

The NetHunter store is powered by a slightly modified version of F-Droid, thanks to the hard work of the F-Droid community, in particular Peter Serwylo whose help was invaluable. Whilst F-Droid installs its clients with telemetry disabled and asks for consent before submitting crash reports, we went a step further and removed the entire code – just to make sure that our privacy cannot be compromised by accident. We also widened the inclusion policy to allow proprietary applications into the store.
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