The Ministry Of Internal Affairs Of Russia Began To Purchase Equipment For Hacking Smartphones

✨ Megiddo

✨ President ✨
Staff member
With its help, you can open correspondence in WhatsApp and Skype messengers, as well as in Facebook.


Hardware and software systems will be used to extract various information from smartphones, including correspondence in Skype and WhatsApp messengers, as well as in the Facebook social network.

MIA divisions will spend tens of millions of rubles on this. Now purchases have become especially large. That is, earlier the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs had already purchased such equipment, but in smaller volumes.

According to the information on the procurement, the department plans to buy 16 personal computers with special software and hardware (AIC), allowing to examine and read the contents of mobile phones, including: phone book, SMS, MMS messages, call logs, photos, videos, audio recordings.

In addition, the equipment should be able to read and restore deleted information from the internal memory of the phone, as well as memory cards and SIM cards, GPS information.

APK should be able to detect and decode the history of messages sent and received via Skype, ICQ, WhatsApp, as well as decrypt user information Twitter, Facebook.

Externally, the complex is a laptop with one or more SSD-drives, equipped with an adapter for connecting mobile devices.