- 3,002
- 280
- 1,730
This guide will include every bit of information that you will need while browsing
darknet sites and participating in darknet activity. To which extent you use the
tips pointed out below is entirely up to you. It also depends on whether or not
being identified as a certain darknet personality could mean a life sentence or
death. Please read carefully through those articles (all articles can be visited
without JavaScript and are clearnet links!):
that there is nothing you could possibly learn from this guide. If you still want
to continue, feel free to share your opinions and thanks afterwards. Following,
you will find a list of what this guide will cover:
A. OpSec
1. Behaviour online & offline
2. Usernames & Password 2.1. Personality Cross-interfering
3. Trust
B. TechSec
1. The right OS
2. Encryption
3. TOR Setup
4. PGP
C. HOW TO VANISH 1. How to vanish online 2. How to vanish offline
Now that everything I needed to say is out of the way, let’s start this adventure!
OpSec (Operational Security) is the term used to describe any action you take
(or don’t take) in order to keep your real identity a secret online.
1. Behaviour online
Behaviour online is probably the most important aspect to take care of if you are
serious about staying in the shadows. Your behaviour must be excellent, never
forget that the Internet never forgets… and never forgives! And by excellent I
don’t mean your manners (still, don’t be an asshole!) but more what you say and
post online. With other words - if you’re thinking about saying something that
could identify you - DON’T. Unfortunately, LEA is so sophisticated nowadays
that your name or IP or address isn’t the only thing that might be dangerous
to tell online. Here’s a list of potentially dangerous information you should
Name(First Name and Past Name!),past surnames,nicknames from other
services or clearnet,surnames,…
Address (not partially, not at all!)
Your social status (many friends,lives alone,has a wife/husband,has 1/2/3/9
kids etc.)
Weather (it’s always sunny in OnionLand!)
Current Time
Any clearnet activities not done with the TOR Browser
And many more!
Everytime you are about to post something, read carefully through what you
are about to share. Always think of messages and posts as if it is your ticket to
Hell. And indeed, it is.
Do not piss of people, talk only when absolutely necessary and don’t get provoqued by idiots. You’ll enjoy your warm coffee browsing through the DNet while
they will be the ones feeling “love from behind” in a cell.
Do not talk about your darknet activity! It is none of anyone’s business besides
yourself. Trust nobody - not even offline when it comes to that.
Do not use lame usernames & passwords! Make sure that they do not contain
personally identifying information (your mom’s first name combined with the
date you bought your kitten is NOT a good password) as well as that the
password is filled with random Digits, at least 10 digits long.
Just to make it absolutely clear:
WisconsinMan49 darknetpass123
ExodusRainbow s881bnxu5%%1=jsz&
I know the examples above are a bit drastic but you get my point.
Encryption is extremely important, not to say crucial to your security and
anonymity. You want to be encryption crazy! Encrypt everything, your drives,
your flashdrives, your OS, your SD-Cards, everything. Make sure to use
STRONG password (look up Usernames & Passwords).
Good encryption software: VeraCrypt: https://www.veracryp...code/VeraCrypt/
The good thing about Tails? If you choose to keep a persistent volume (the
ability to save files after shutting down Tails) Tails asks you for a password. Tails
encryption is extremely strong, so no need to use VeraCrypt for that. However,
for your external or seperated internal drives you want to use VeraCrypt. Try
to use different passwords.
Never leave your device out of reach and unencrypted! The least you want is
someone finding out about your darknet activity offline.
TOR needs to be secured to restrict dangerous or malicious attacks. For that,
follow the steps:
When you open a new browser window, click on the shield on the right upper
corner. Set the security button to “Highest”.
Type “about:config” into the address bar. Ignore the warning and click on the
proceed button. Search for “java” and disable (toggle) “javascript.enabled”.
This will block most of malicious files some sites can hold. Also, since you’re
using Tails, a rather unknown OS, most virus are not made for your operating
environment, but rather for Windows.
1. Vanishing online
Delete every account you ever had. Ask Site Admins to delete your accounts.
If you cannot delete your account, at least delete every post you ever made.
Delete Mails. Delete your PGP key-pair. If possible, spread misinformation
about your persona (if you have reached a certain persona, otherwise, it would
not be productive). Delete any software and files you kept. Format the drive 2
times for security reasons.
2. Vanishing offline
DESTROY your hardware. Shatter it into thousand pieces and throw it away
at different trashbins, lakes, rivers or anything else. Just make sure it is really
destroyed. Decide if you need to leave the country. Get rid of everything that
could be tied to you having anything to do with illegal activity. That also
includes your pipes, needles and your unlicensed shotgun. Get rid of anything
police could see as reason enough to arrest you. If you get arrested anyway, do
not talk until you see your lawyer.
Thank you for reading through the article. Now go and read it a second time.
The information must be in your memories 4 EVA!
darknet sites and participating in darknet activity. To which extent you use the
tips pointed out below is entirely up to you. It also depends on whether or not
being identified as a certain darknet personality could mean a life sentence or
death. Please read carefully through those articles (all articles can be visited
without JavaScript and are clearnet links!):
Suspected co-founder of dark web market found hanged in Thai prison cell
26-year-old Canadian Alexandre Cazes was a computer expert involved with Bitcoin transactionswww.independent.co.uk
that there is nothing you could possibly learn from this guide. If you still want
to continue, feel free to share your opinions and thanks afterwards. Following,
you will find a list of what this guide will cover:
A. OpSec
1. Behaviour online & offline
2. Usernames & Password 2.1. Personality Cross-interfering
3. Trust
B. TechSec
1. The right OS
2. Encryption
3. TOR Setup
4. PGP
C. HOW TO VANISH 1. How to vanish online 2. How to vanish offline
Now that everything I needed to say is out of the way, let’s start this adventure!
OpSec (Operational Security) is the term used to describe any action you take
(or don’t take) in order to keep your real identity a secret online.
1. Behaviour online
Behaviour online is probably the most important aspect to take care of if you are
serious about staying in the shadows. Your behaviour must be excellent, never
forget that the Internet never forgets… and never forgives! And by excellent I
don’t mean your manners (still, don’t be an asshole!) but more what you say and
post online. With other words - if you’re thinking about saying something that
could identify you - DON’T. Unfortunately, LEA is so sophisticated nowadays
that your name or IP or address isn’t the only thing that might be dangerous
to tell online. Here’s a list of potentially dangerous information you should
Name(First Name and Past Name!),past surnames,nicknames from other
services or clearnet,surnames,…
Address (not partially, not at all!)
Your social status (many friends,lives alone,has a wife/husband,has 1/2/3/9
kids etc.)
Weather (it’s always sunny in OnionLand!)
Current Time
Any clearnet activities not done with the TOR Browser
And many more!
Everytime you are about to post something, read carefully through what you
are about to share. Always think of messages and posts as if it is your ticket to
Hell. And indeed, it is.
Do not piss of people, talk only when absolutely necessary and don’t get provoqued by idiots. You’ll enjoy your warm coffee browsing through the DNet while
they will be the ones feeling “love from behind” in a cell.
Do not talk about your darknet activity! It is none of anyone’s business besides
yourself. Trust nobody - not even offline when it comes to that.
Do not use lame usernames & passwords! Make sure that they do not contain
personally identifying information (your mom’s first name combined with the
date you bought your kitten is NOT a good password) as well as that the
password is filled with random Digits, at least 10 digits long.
Just to make it absolutely clear:
WisconsinMan49 darknetpass123
ExodusRainbow s881bnxu5%%1=jsz&
I know the examples above are a bit drastic but you get my point.
Encryption is extremely important, not to say crucial to your security and
anonymity. You want to be encryption crazy! Encrypt everything, your drives,
your flashdrives, your OS, your SD-Cards, everything. Make sure to use
STRONG password (look up Usernames & Passwords).
Good encryption software: VeraCrypt: https://www.veracryp...code/VeraCrypt/
The good thing about Tails? If you choose to keep a persistent volume (the
ability to save files after shutting down Tails) Tails asks you for a password. Tails
encryption is extremely strong, so no need to use VeraCrypt for that. However,
for your external or seperated internal drives you want to use VeraCrypt. Try
to use different passwords.
Never leave your device out of reach and unencrypted! The least you want is
someone finding out about your darknet activity offline.
TOR needs to be secured to restrict dangerous or malicious attacks. For that,
follow the steps:
When you open a new browser window, click on the shield on the right upper
corner. Set the security button to “Highest”.
Type “about:config” into the address bar. Ignore the warning and click on the
proceed button. Search for “java” and disable (toggle) “javascript.enabled”.
This will block most of malicious files some sites can hold. Also, since you’re
using Tails, a rather unknown OS, most virus are not made for your operating
environment, but rather for Windows.
1. Vanishing online
Delete every account you ever had. Ask Site Admins to delete your accounts.
If you cannot delete your account, at least delete every post you ever made.
Delete Mails. Delete your PGP key-pair. If possible, spread misinformation
about your persona (if you have reached a certain persona, otherwise, it would
not be productive). Delete any software and files you kept. Format the drive 2
times for security reasons.
2. Vanishing offline
DESTROY your hardware. Shatter it into thousand pieces and throw it away
at different trashbins, lakes, rivers or anything else. Just make sure it is really
destroyed. Decide if you need to leave the country. Get rid of everything that
could be tied to you having anything to do with illegal activity. That also
includes your pipes, needles and your unlicensed shotgun. Get rid of anything
police could see as reason enough to arrest you. If you get arrested anyway, do
not talk until you see your lawyer.
Thank you for reading through the article. Now go and read it a second time.
The information must be in your memories 4 EVA!