Pypykatz - Mimikatz Implementation In Pure Python

✨ DeeZNuTz

✨ Master ✨
Staff member

Mimikatz implementation in pure Python. At least a part of it
Runs on all OS's which support python>=3.6
Since version 0.1.1 the command line changed a little. Worry not, I have an awesome WIKI for you.
Install it via pip or by cloning it from github.
The installer will create a pypykatz executable in the python's Script directory. You can run it from there, should be in your PATH.
Take care, that the github master version might fail because I'm layz to do a proper branch for the new versions. I'll try to create a branch of stable version tho.
pip3 install pypykatz

Via Github
Install prerequirements
pip3 install minidump minikerberos aiowinreg msldap winsspi

Clone this repo

Install it
python3 install

Platform idependent - all commands have a "live" and a normal version where applicable. The "live" version will use the current system and only works on Windows. The normal commands are platform independent.
Can be used as a library for your projects.
LSASS processing
Can parse the secrets hidden in the LSASS process. This is just like mimikatz's sekurlsa:: but with different commands.
The main difference here is that all the parsing logic is separated from the data source, so if you define a new reader object you can basically perform the parsing of LSASS from anywhere.
Currently supported data sources:
  1. live - reads the LSASS porcess' memory directly
  2. minidump - processes a minidump file created by dumping the LSASS process
  3. rekall (volatility fork) - processes basically ANY windows memory dumps that rekall can parse
  4. pcileech - can dump secrets DIRECTLY via DMA of a live computer
  5. remote - this is another project. TBD
  6. your project here seriously, it's super-simple to integrate.
Registry processing
Parses the registry hives to obtain stroed credentials, like NT and LM hashes, domain cached credentials (DCC/DCC2) and LSA secrets.
Currently supported data sources:
  1. live - has two techniques to parse live registry. First it's in-memory doesn't touch disk, the second is dumping the hives and parsing them with the offline parser
  2. offline (hive files)
  3. your project here seriously, it's super-simple to integrate.
DPAPI is the protector of local secrets of many kinds. Currently the project supports decrypting masterkeys, dpapi blobs, credential files, vault files.
The results are not 100% correct, as there is not much documentation on most of these things. PR is always welcomed!
Currently supported data sources:
  1. live - obtains masterkeys directly from LSASS -OR- the user/machine keys from live registry and decrypts the masterkeyfile.
  2. hive files (offline)- the user/machine keys from live registry and decrypts the masterkeyfile
  3. valid credentials (offline) - can decrypt masterkey files by letting you type in the correct SID and password.
  4. pls don't integrate this part to your project, it's beta
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