Internet Scammers Fraudulently Stole About 150 Billion Rubles From Russians. For 2020

✨ Megiddo

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Staff member
May 15, 2016
58% of users defrauded by telephone scammers transferred funds on their own.


In 2020, telephone and Internet fraudsters earned about 150 billion rubles from citizens of the Russian Federation, 66 billion rubles. of which account for the income of cybercriminals posing as bank employees. According to BrandMonitor analysts, most of the money was lured from the Russians during conversations with fake employees of medical companies - more than 50 thousand rubles. per person.

According to the analysis of VTsIOM data, the criminals earned 66 billion rubles by deceiving citizens, posing as representatives of financial organizations, 46.5 billion rubles. on fictitious medical services, and 18.6 billion rubles. - through phishing sites and fake online stores.

In the first half of 2020 alone, the Bank of Russia blocked more than 9.7 thousand fraudulent phone numbers, which is four times the number of fraudulent calls in 2019.

According to researchers from IDF Eurasia, 58% of users deceived by telephone scammers transferred funds on their own. Amounts up to 5 thousand rubles were lost by 16% of respondents, 5-10 thousand rubles - 24%, 10-15 thousand rubles - 42%, and amounts over 15 thousand rubles - 18%. It is noteworthy that only 5% of users who have become victims of fraudsters contacted law enforcement agencies.

According to the study, 22% of Russians, although faced with telephone fraud, did not transfer money to criminals, but 16% entrusted their money to scammers. Men more often than women became victims of fraudsters - 56% and 44%, respectively.

42% of respondents from among the victims of fraudsters transferred personal data to criminals, including information about a bank card, and codes from SMS messages. Amounts up to 5 thousand rubles within the framework of such a criminal scheme lost 10%, 5-10 thousand rubles - 16%, 10-15 thousand rubles - 22%, amounts over 15 thousand rubles - 52%.

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