Hackers Put Up For Sale Access To Video Recordings From 50 Thousand Home Cameras

✨ Megiddo

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Staff member
May 15, 2016
A 700 MB sample containing about 4,000 videos and photos is available free of charge.


The hacker group has put up for sale access to more than 50,000 hacked home security cameras, including video recordings.

The group, with more than 1,000 members worldwide, uses the Discord messaging platform to advertise its products, AsiaOne reported.

Attackers offer access to video footage from cameras for a one-time subscription fee of $ 150 and claim to have already sold over 3TB of clips. A 700 MB sample containing about 4,000 videos and photos is available free of charge.

This is not the first time that home security camera users have been victims of data breaches. For example, last December, credentials to authorize thousands of Amazon Ring camera owners, as well as 3,672 email addresses, passwords, time zone information, and names assigned to specific Ring cameras (such as "front door" or "kitchen") were published in internet.

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