In the Vinnytsia region, cyber police exposed two men for creating and selling malicious software, stealing confidential user data. This was reported by the press service of the Cyber Police Department of the National Police of Ukraine, informs UNN.
"The defendants developed and sold malicious software that" bypassed "anti-virus programs and stole logins, passwords, bank card details and electronic wallets of Internet users. For such actions, the attackers could face up to six years in prison," the police said.
It is added that the illegal activities of the two defendants were exposed by employees of the department for countering cybercrime of the Vinnytsia region together with the investigative department of the police of Vinnytsia.
"It was established that two local residents, 20 and 28 years old, created a" virus "that stole confidential user data, including passwords, bank card and e-wallet data. The malicious software was invisible to anti-virus programs and allowed them remotely The men sold their development in the Darknet on hacker forums. One copy of the "virus" cost more than 80,000 hryvnias. It was preliminarily established that in this way the offenders managed to earn more than a quarter of a million hryvnias, "added the cyber police.
It is noted that in order to distribute malicious software, cybercriminals created separate web resources where users were invited to download popular programs and applications. However, along with the download on computer equipment and gadgets, a "virus" fell. Now police officers are establishing the victims and the amount of damage caused.
“At the place of residence of the defendants, law enforcement officers conducted searches and seized computer equipment that was used in illegal activities. The officers of the KORD department were also involved in the searches,” the police said.
Criminal proceedings have been opened under Part 2 of Art. 361 ("Unauthorized interference with computers, automated systems, computer networks or telecommunication networks") of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides for imprisonment for a term of three to six years. Investigative actions continue. The Vinnitsa local prosecutor's office provides procedural guidance.
"The defendants developed and sold malicious software that" bypassed "anti-virus programs and stole logins, passwords, bank card details and electronic wallets of Internet users. For such actions, the attackers could face up to six years in prison," the police said.
It is added that the illegal activities of the two defendants were exposed by employees of the department for countering cybercrime of the Vinnytsia region together with the investigative department of the police of Vinnytsia.
"It was established that two local residents, 20 and 28 years old, created a" virus "that stole confidential user data, including passwords, bank card and e-wallet data. The malicious software was invisible to anti-virus programs and allowed them remotely The men sold their development in the Darknet on hacker forums. One copy of the "virus" cost more than 80,000 hryvnias. It was preliminarily established that in this way the offenders managed to earn more than a quarter of a million hryvnias, "added the cyber police.
It is noted that in order to distribute malicious software, cybercriminals created separate web resources where users were invited to download popular programs and applications. However, along with the download on computer equipment and gadgets, a "virus" fell. Now police officers are establishing the victims and the amount of damage caused.
“At the place of residence of the defendants, law enforcement officers conducted searches and seized computer equipment that was used in illegal activities. The officers of the KORD department were also involved in the searches,” the police said.
Criminal proceedings have been opened under Part 2 of Art. 361 ("Unauthorized interference with computers, automated systems, computer networks or telecommunication networks") of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides for imprisonment for a term of three to six years. Investigative actions continue. The Vinnitsa local prosecutor's office provides procedural guidance.