Developing websites, bots, apps, projects. IT |


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Team of experienced developers is ready to provide IT services.

Our team has skills in various development areas as well as customizable budget. All services will be rendered based on the complexity of the provided Terms of Reference.
Benefits of working with us:

  • Experienced IT managers and proven developers (C++, Python, Sharp, JS and many more) for your needs.
  • Cases and competent evaluation of Terms of Reference.
  • We will help you to draw up the terms of reference based on the project description.
  • We have our own IT products, including a project based on AI.
Services rendered:

  • Creating websites, online stores, lending, Web3, exchanges, exchangers, UX/UI and more.
  • Development of Telegram bots, checkers, parsers.
  • Creating iOS/Android applications, games.
  • Software, mobile/desktop applications.

We consider working with projects of any color. We work on prepayment or through the forum escrow. Offers for % - not interested, thanks for understanding.

Telegram: @templemanager
Session: 05cf9da3f379a3efb7a2daa02c8667a218f07fbf23ee851430c5ccb7ec0a7fd37
We develop websites, lendings, Web3, casinos, online stores, copies.

Telegram: @templemanager
Session: 05cf9da3f379a3efb7a2daa02c8667a218f07fbf23ee851430 c5ccb7ec0a7fd374
High-quality development of websites, software, applications, parsers, checkers, games, casino, lending, scripts. We adjust to your budget and tasks, based on the consultation.
Telegram: @templemanager
Session: 05cf9da3f379a3efb7a2daa02c8667a218f07fbf23ee851430 c5ccb7ec0a7fd374
Actively accepting orders! We will help to realize the project from 0!


Telegram: @templemanager

Session: 05cf9da3f379a3efb7a2daa02c8667a218f07fbf23ee851430c5ccb7ec0a7fd374
Creating sites, online stores, lending, Web3, exchanges, exchangers, phish, UX/UI and much more.
Development of Telegram bots, software, applications, checkers, parsers, scripts.

Telegram: @templemanager
Session: 05cf9da3f379a3efb7a2daa02c8667a218f07fbf23ee851430 c5ccb7ec0a7fd374
Actual! Ready for orders. We work through the Escrow!

Telegram: @templemanager
Session: 05cf9da3f379a3efb7a2daa02c8667a218f07fbf23ee851430 c5ccb7ec0a7fd374
We develop lendings, contracts, website copy, forums, exchanges.

Telegram: @templemanager
Session: 05cf9da3f379a3efb7a2daa02c8667a218f07fbf23ee851430 c5ccb7ec0a7fd374
We develop shops, casinos, landing pages, scripts and bots.
Telegram: @templemanager
Session: 05cf9da3f379a3efb7a2daa02c8667a218f07fbf23ee851430 c5ccb7ec0a7fd374