2024 is coming to an end, as are most of the "mega teams" who thought they were our competitors.
7th new year for our
mall team and it is 7 times larger than most teams.
⚙Throughout this time, we have been continuously improving our functionality and products, strictly adhering to the principles of openness and transparency in relations with employees and the work of our offers.
In 2024, over
16,000 new people joined our team.
⚙Over the year, our coders and additional staff spent over
25,000 billable man-hours working on improving functionality and developing products.
This year, we decided to forgo the New Year's contest and instead use the funds to support foundations that work to improve security in Web3 and the Internet. We will tell you the details later.
But we will make a small New Year's gift to our employees until January 4 12/7/2024-1/4/2025
INCREASED PERCENTAGE on all offers for payments from $200
CEX Exchange 90%
TON 90%
Nova 80%
Tron 75%
In "mega teams" it is often customary to shave and scam before the New Year, but we are going the other way. Our project does not exist for personal profit, but for the development of the product and the creation of value.

This year we plan to release a release of a mega-solution, which is currently in the testing phase. The profit already exceeds 500k+. We are also considering launching a new offer, possibly exclusively for tops. We will try to have time to implement everything for everyone.