Chinese Police Arrest $ 1 Billion Worth Of Wotoken Pyramid Organizers

✨ Megiddo

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Staff member
May 15, 2016
Chinese law enforcers arrested the organizers of the second largest cryptocurrency pyramid WoToken after PlusToken. This is with reference to local media reported the managing partner of Primitive Ventures Dovi Wang.

WOW another mega-size crypto Ponzi WOTOKEN just second to PlusToken gets clamped down by Chinese police and by reading the court ruling material here are some eyes whopping data


active July 2018 to October 2019, WoToken scammed total over ** 1 BILLION USD **

- Dovey 以德服人 Wan (@DoveyWan) May 16, 2020

According to court documents, the organizers of the Ponzi scheme raised $ 1 billion of user funds, including 46,000 BTC, more than 2 million ETH, 292,000 LTC, 56,000 BCH and 684,000 EOS.

Total registered users: 715,249
Total hierarchical levels: 501
Total scammed crypto
46,000 Bitcoin
2.039 million ETH
292,000 Litecoin
56,000 Bcash
684,000 EOS

According to the price on the day police involved, total value is more than 7.769 billion yuan ($ 1B USD)

- Dovey 以德 服人 Wan (@DoveyWan) May 16, 2020

A total of 715,249 people took part in the multi-level scheme. According to Dovi Wang, one of the organizers of WoToken is a former key person involved in the PlusToken pyramid case for $ 3 billion.

Earlier, OXT Research, an analytical company, said that thousands of Pluscoin pyramids are still in the mixing services.


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