Bitfinex Continues To Try Through The Court To Recover Lost $ 880 Million

✨ Megiddo

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May 15, 2016
Bitfinex’s parent company, iFinex Inc., has filed a lawsuit with representatives of several banks that could hold funds from the Crypto Capital payment processor, CoinDesk reports.

The firm has filed applications to call SunTrust Bank employees in Georgia, Bank of Colorado and ABT & Trust, respectively, in the states of Colorado and Arizona.

The company expects to receive evidence of the legitimacy of claims for funds in the amount of about $ 880 million, which are stored in bank accounts in Poland, Lisbon, London and several other places. Assets in 2018 were frozen by regulators as part of an investigation into money laundering by Crypto Capital's Panamanian processing.

Last October, Polish police arrested Crypto Capital President Ivan Manuel Molina Lee on charges of participating in a drug cartel and money laundering through Bitfinex. The prosecutor of the United States, Oz Yosef, accused the US prosecutor of bank fraud and conspiracy to provide unlicensed money transfer services.

Bitfinex General Counsel Stuart Hegner explained that the lawsuits are aimed at obtaining additional information. Banks, as a rule, cannot share transaction data without a court order. He recalled that the exchange considers itself a victim of fraud.

Last year, the court granted Bitfinex a petition for testimony from former Vice President of TCA Bancorp Rondell Clyde Monroe. He had to confirm the ownership of the exchange on "various funds."

Recall that Bitfinex reimbursed a $ 850 million loan loss to Crypto Capital from an affiliate company Tether. The New York State Attorney General's Office accused the exchange of concealing the loss of assets from shareholders and violating the law when opening a credit line with a stablecoin issuer.


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