Best New Websites To Grab Free IP Using Short Link

✨ DeeZNuTz

✨ Master ✨
Staff member
In this article we will list the best websites to grab IP addresses using a short link to another website. Using these websites we can extract information such as IP address and GPS location data. When grabbing IP addresses and location data it’s always best to filter Internet bots such as Facebook bots. Internet Bot also known as web robot perform tasks that are both simple but also structurally repetitive at a much higher rate that wouldn’t be possible for a human alone. By filtering Internet Bots this helps to get a more accurate profile of the actual ip addresses that you are grabbing.

Grabify IP Logger allows you to keep track of who has clicked your links. find IPs from Facebook, Twitter, friends on other sites.
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Enter link to a webpage into Grabify website and click button “Create URL”
Step 3: You will now have a new tracking link similar to eg. you can use button below to change domain of the link to another domain that is less recognizable or you can use a custom domain.
Step 4: Save tracking code or access link you will need these to retrieve IP addresses that have clicked on your Grabify link.

IP logger
IP Logger URL Shortener allows to track and log IP addresses, GPS location’s. IP Logger URL Shortener provides IP lookup grabber, check what is my ip services, counters and informers.
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Choose an option. Location Tracker, URL Shortener, Invisible Image
Step 3: For the purpose of this guide we will use URL Shortener. Enter a URL and click get IPLogger code
Step 4: Copy Your IPLogger link for collecting statistics (no BB codes)
Step 5: Remember IPLogger ID (Required for accessing logger statistics!!!) you will need this later to retrieve logged IP Addresses.

Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Enter a new URL or Tracking Code and click submit
Step 3: Copy Tracking Link.
Step 4: Copy Access Code you will need this later to retrieve logged IP addresses.
Step 5: Enter Access Code into to retrieve logged IP addresses.
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Enter you Email Address and click “Get Link” button.
Step 3: Copy one of the URL’s provided by
Step 4: Once your friend clicks on one of the URL’s you will retrieve an Email with their IP Address.
ok good thanks for info