Best Method For A Healthy Stealth Paypal Account


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Jun 16, 2020
To establish a discreet PayPal account, follow these steps:

1.) Begin by acquiring a new IP address. The most effective method is to utilize a VPN, as VPS or proxies are often easily detected by PayPal or eBay. It is advisable to visit IPBURGER and purchase a Fresh Dedicated VPN. Ensure that you select a private IP/VPN that has not been previously shared or used, as an already utilized IP may be linked to other PayPal accounts, potentially resulting in limitations on your account.

2.) Next, you will require a new address. You can generate one using the website

3.) Subsequently, obtain a new phone number. I recommend the mobile application TextMe, which allows you to retain a number for one month at a cost of £4.59. You can select a phone number that corresponds to your country and state, as provided by the fake name generator.

4.) You will also need a Virtual Credit Card (VCC). For this purpose, I suggest using SecondEye, which offers a VCC for only $15. This investment can prove beneficial in the long run, as they can create fake credit card or bank statements if your PayPal account faces limitations in the future. Alternatively, you may consider using Revolut.

5.) Finally, create a new user profile on your PC or laptop. Ensure that no data is synchronized with the new user, such as Google Chrome settings or data. This step is crucial to ensure that your new PC or laptop is free from any cookies, cache, or data associated with other accounts. For added security, consider browsing as a guest on the new user profile to prevent any cookies or cache from being saved.

In the event that your account is limited due to improper adherence to this guide, you may visit SecondEye, where they can produce fake documents such as passports, supplier invoices, and bank or credit card statements, which can be printed to appear authentic. I have personally utilized their services, and they respond promptly, with the documents proving effective.
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