4 Special Browsers For Anonymous Surfing


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These browsers are designed to provide the maximum degree of protection while browsing the Internet.

All popular browsers collect user information. Based on search queries, pages visited, articles read and videos watched, a digital user dossier is built, which includes personal data, interests and even political addictions.

This is done in order to display relevant ads, news and other useful things for a particular user. Many take this quite calmly and even consider it a blessing. However, there are those who do not really like that someone collects and stores data about their behavior and habits. One of the browsers specially created for anonymous surfing on the Internet is useful to them.

1. Tor Browser
Operating Systems: Windows, Mac, Linux.

It’s hard to find someone interested in privacy issues on the Internet who hasn’t heard of the Tor network. This is a network of routers and special software that is designed to make it impossible for you to identify while surfing the Internet.

There are many programs for using the Tor network, but the easiest and safest way to do this is with the Tor Browser. You practically do not need to configure and install anything. The browser can be launched even from a flash drive, it is fully configured and ready to go.

2. Epic Browser
Operating Systems: Windows, Mac.

Epic Browser does not offer any sophisticated technology. This is one of the Chromium assemblies with a built-in set of extensions and settings that allow you to hide from snooping. You can configure the browser yourself in this way, but it’s much more convenient when everything is installed and configured out of the box.

3. SRWare Iron
Operating Systems: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android.

If you use Chrome, then the SRWare Iron interface will seem very familiar to you. It is based on the code of the Chromium project, which served as the launching pad for the browser from Google.

SRWare Iron works well for all Chrome extensions, so you don’t have to give up the usual tools. The main difference is the lack of a unique user ID, which Google uses to compile your digital dossier. If you use SRWare Iron, your identity will be impossible to identify.

4. Comodo IceDragon
Operating Systems: Windows, Mac, Linux.

Comodo IceDragon is a special version of Firefox. It has the same high page loading speed and low system requirements as the parent browser, but at the same time it is more protected from Internet threats.

The Siteinspector link scanning feature checks the security of web pages before they are visited, and the built-in Secure DNS service blocks sites containing phishing, viruses and aggressive advertising. Special tools built-in by Comodo's specialists monitor privacy and prevent the leakage of confidential data.